Direktori : /opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/libpasteurize/fixes/ |
Current File : //opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/libpasteurize/fixes/fix_imports2.py |
u""" Fixer for complicated imports """ from lib2to3 import fixer_base from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, String, FromImport, Newline, Comma from libfuturize.fixer_util import touch_import_top TK_BASE_NAMES = (u'ACTIVE', u'ALL', u'ANCHOR', u'ARC',u'BASELINE', u'BEVEL', u'BOTH', u'BOTTOM', u'BROWSE', u'BUTT', u'CASCADE', u'CENTER', u'CHAR', u'CHECKBUTTON', u'CHORD', u'COMMAND', u'CURRENT', u'DISABLED', u'DOTBOX', u'E', u'END', u'EW', u'EXCEPTION', u'EXTENDED', u'FALSE', u'FIRST', u'FLAT', u'GROOVE', u'HIDDEN', u'HORIZONTAL', u'INSERT', u'INSIDE', u'LAST', u'LEFT', u'MITER', u'MOVETO', u'MULTIPLE', u'N', u'NE', u'NO', u'NONE', u'NORMAL', u'NS', u'NSEW', u'NUMERIC', u'NW', u'OFF', u'ON', u'OUTSIDE', u'PAGES', u'PIESLICE', u'PROJECTING', u'RADIOBUTTON', u'RAISED', u'READABLE', u'RIDGE', u'RIGHT', u'ROUND', u'S', u'SCROLL', u'SE', u'SEL', u'SEL_FIRST', u'SEL_LAST', u'SEPARATOR', u'SINGLE', u'SOLID', u'SUNKEN', u'SW', u'StringTypes', u'TOP', u'TRUE', u'TclVersion', u'TkVersion', u'UNDERLINE', u'UNITS', u'VERTICAL', u'W', u'WORD', u'WRITABLE', u'X', u'Y', u'YES', u'wantobjects') PY2MODULES = { u'urllib2' : ( u'AbstractBasicAuthHandler', u'AbstractDigestAuthHandler', u'AbstractHTTPHandler', u'BaseHandler', u'CacheFTPHandler', u'FTPHandler', u'FileHandler', u'HTTPBasicAuthHandler', u'HTTPCookieProcessor', u'HTTPDefaultErrorHandler', u'HTTPDigestAuthHandler', u'HTTPError', u'HTTPErrorProcessor', u'HTTPHandler', u'HTTPPasswordMgr', u'HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm', u'HTTPRedirectHandler', u'HTTPSHandler', u'OpenerDirector', u'ProxyBasicAuthHandler', u'ProxyDigestAuthHandler', u'ProxyHandler', u'Request', u'StringIO', u'URLError', u'UnknownHandler', u'addinfourl', u'build_opener', u'install_opener', u'parse_http_list', u'parse_keqv_list', u'randombytes', u'request_host', u'urlopen'), u'urllib' : ( u'ContentTooShortError', u'FancyURLopener',u'URLopener', u'basejoin', u'ftperrors', u'getproxies', u'getproxies_environment', u'localhost', u'pathname2url', u'quote', u'quote_plus', u'splitattr', u'splithost', u'splitnport', u'splitpasswd', u'splitport', u'splitquery', u'splittag', u'splittype', u'splituser', u'splitvalue', u'thishost', u'unquote', u'unquote_plus', u'unwrap', u'url2pathname', u'urlcleanup', u'urlencode', u'urlopen', u'urlretrieve',), u'urlparse' : ( u'parse_qs', u'parse_qsl', u'urldefrag', u'urljoin', u'urlparse', u'urlsplit', u'urlunparse', u'urlunsplit'), u'dbm' : ( u'ndbm', u'gnu', u'dumb'), u'anydbm' : ( u'error', u'open'), u'whichdb' : ( u'whichdb',), u'BaseHTTPServer' : ( u'BaseHTTPRequestHandler', u'HTTPServer'), u'CGIHTTPServer' : ( u'CGIHTTPRequestHandler',), u'SimpleHTTPServer' : ( u'SimpleHTTPRequestHandler',), u'FileDialog' : TK_BASE_NAMES + ( u'FileDialog', u'LoadFileDialog', u'SaveFileDialog', u'dialogstates', u'test'), u'tkFileDialog' : ( u'Directory', u'Open', u'SaveAs', u'_Dialog', u'askdirectory', u'askopenfile', u'askopenfilename', u'askopenfilenames', u'askopenfiles', u'asksaveasfile', u'asksaveasfilename'), u'SimpleDialog' : TK_BASE_NAMES + ( u'SimpleDialog',), u'tkSimpleDialog' : TK_BASE_NAMES + ( u'askfloat', u'askinteger', u'askstring', u'Dialog'), u'SimpleXMLRPCServer' : ( u'CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher', u'SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'SimpleXMLRPCServer', u'list_public_methods', u'remove_duplicates', u'resolve_dotted_attribute'), u'DocXMLRPCServer' : ( u'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'DocXMLRPCServer', u'ServerHTMLDoc',u'XMLRPCDocGenerator'), } MAPPING = { u'urllib.request' : (u'urllib2', u'urllib'), u'urllib.error' : (u'urllib2', u'urllib'), u'urllib.parse' : (u'urllib2', u'urllib', u'urlparse'), u'dbm.__init__' : (u'anydbm', u'whichdb'), u'http.server' : (u'CGIHTTPServer', u'SimpleHTTPServer', u'BaseHTTPServer'), u'tkinter.filedialog' : (u'tkFileDialog', u'FileDialog'), u'tkinter.simpledialog' : (u'tkSimpleDialog', u'SimpleDialog'), u'xmlrpc.server' : (u'DocXMLRPCServer', u'SimpleXMLRPCServer'), } # helps match 'http', as in 'from http.server import ...' simple_name = u"name='%s'" # helps match 'server', as in 'from http.server import ...' simple_attr = u"attr='%s'" # helps match 'HTTPServer', as in 'from http.server import HTTPServer' simple_using = u"using='%s'" # helps match 'urllib.request', as in 'import urllib.request' dotted_name = u"dotted_name=dotted_name< %s '.' %s >" # helps match 'http.server', as in 'http.server.HTTPServer(...)' power_twoname = u"pow=power< %s trailer< '.' %s > trailer< '.' using=any > any* >" # helps match 'dbm.whichdb', as in 'dbm.whichdb(...)' power_onename = u"pow=power< %s trailer< '.' using=any > any* >" # helps match 'from http.server import HTTPServer' # also helps match 'from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler' # also helps match 'from http.server import *' from_import = u"from_import=import_from< 'from' %s 'import' (import_as_name< using=any 'as' renamed=any> | in_list=import_as_names< using=any* > | using='*' | using=NAME) >" # helps match 'import urllib.request' name_import = u"name_import=import_name< 'import' (%s | in_list=dotted_as_names< imp_list=any* >) >" ############# # WON'T FIX # ############# # helps match 'import urllib.request as name' name_import_rename = u"name_import_rename=dotted_as_name< %s 'as' renamed=any >" # helps match 'from http import server' from_import_rename = u"from_import_rename=import_from< 'from' %s 'import' (%s | import_as_name< %s 'as' renamed=any > | in_list=import_as_names< any* (%s | import_as_name< %s 'as' renamed=any >) any* >) >" def all_modules_subpattern(): u""" Builds a pattern for all toplevel names (urllib, http, etc) """ names_dot_attrs = [mod.split(u".") for mod in MAPPING] ret = u"( " + u" | ".join([dotted_name % (simple_name % (mod[0]), simple_attr % (mod[1])) for mod in names_dot_attrs]) ret += u" | " ret += u" | ".join([simple_name % (mod[0]) for mod in names_dot_attrs if mod[1] == u"__init__"]) + u" )" return ret def build_import_pattern(mapping1, mapping2): u""" mapping1: A dict mapping py3k modules to all possible py2k replacements mapping2: A dict mapping py2k modules to the things they do This builds a HUGE pattern to match all ways that things can be imported """ # py3k: urllib.request, py2k: ('urllib2', 'urllib') yield from_import % (all_modules_subpattern()) for py3k, py2k in mapping1.items(): name, attr = py3k.split(u'.') s_name = simple_name % (name) s_attr = simple_attr % (attr) d_name = dotted_name % (s_name, s_attr) yield name_import % (d_name) yield power_twoname % (s_name, s_attr) if attr == u'__init__': yield name_import % (s_name) yield power_onename % (s_name) yield name_import_rename % (d_name) yield from_import_rename % (s_name, s_attr, s_attr, s_attr, s_attr) class FixImports2(fixer_base.BaseFix): run_order = 4 PATTERN = u" | \n".join(build_import_pattern(MAPPING, PY2MODULES)) def transform(self, node, results): touch_import_top(u'future', u'standard_library', node)